Iara Júlia Caetano de Aguiar
Works in tax litigation and consulting, focusing on tax disputes in judicial and administrative litigation, in the Federal, State and Municipal spheres, as well as in the Superior Courts. Alignment of defense strategy with senior partners. Petitioning and conduct of judicial and administrative proceedings under the team’s responsibility. Oral pleadings and dispatches before the Public Administration in general. Follow-up and conduction of inspection procedures at federal, state, and municipal levels.
In the consulting area, preparation of analysis of procedures for ascertainment and subsumption of operations to tax requirements, tax analysis in corporate operations, participation in meetings with clients, in addition to conducting analysis and updates on tax legislation and Brazilian tax and customs regulations. Preparation of memorandum of understanding (MoU) and legal opinions aimed at maximizing tax savings in corporate transactions. Follow-up, training, and development of trainees.
Bachelor’s Degree in law from Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ)
Undergraduate student of Accounting Sciences, Estácio de Sá University (UNESA)
Post-graduate student in Civil Procedural Law – UERJ’s Center for Studies and Research in Law Teaching (CEPED UERJ)