The Superior Tribunal de Justiça recently published a decision to deny a preliminary injunction in the writ of mandamus filed by the Association of Fuel Distributors (Brasilcom) against the National Energy Policy Council (CNPE) for reducing the annual target for fuel distributors to purchase CBIOS, proportionally to the available acquisition time in 2020 (3 months). Brasilcom argued that the CBIOS acquisition target was reduced by half this year due to the pandemic impact but only in September, leaving the sector without sufficient time to comply with the target. There were also not enough CBIOS available in the market to meet the demand. The STJ held that the compulsory annual decarbonization and CBIOS acquisition targets were predictable since June (CNPE Resolution No. 5 of June 5, 2018) and individual targets were known since March (ANP Dispatch No. 263 of March 19, 2020). Therefore, there was no disproportionate or unreasonable requirement and, according to the Attorney General of the Union, the written and available credits for purchase in the Stock Exchange had already reached almost the entire annual target by November, which would be exceeded by December. The RenovaBio is seen as a significant initiative for the new direction of national energy policy, supporting biofuels and environmentally less impactful compared to fossil fuels, and the national production of this asset (especially ethanol). The reduction of the 2020 targets was aimed at addressing the exceptional reality imposed by the consequences of the Covid 19 pandemic. The merits of Brasilcom’s initial request will still be judged by the STJ.