Rennó Penteado Sampaio

Debts, Financing and Securitization

Rennó Penteado Sampaio

We provide services to corporations, public and private companies, funds, and financial institutions in the structuring of any type of bank or capital market financing, in the local and international markets, including structured financing, debt restructuring and securitization of receivables in various sectors.


Our services include:

  • Syndicated financing and loan agreements;
  • Collateral contracts and registration and validation arrangements;
  • Deed of debentures and bond indentures;
  • Prospect and distribution agreements;
  • Receivables assignment contracts, credit bills and securitization agreements;
  • Minutes of meetings of creditors, debenture holders, and holders of receivables.


The Debts, Financing and Securitization department acts in close connection with the other areas of the firm, including collaboration with the following:

Banking and Financial Services

Corporate, M&A and Capital Markets

Real Estate and Urban Development

